Tuesday, March 1, 2011

5 [Productive] Things To Do while High, Stoned or Baked

One of the most common questions of the new stoner is 'What Do Ya Do High?' 'What Should I do when baked?'. Well, here are five things that you can do right now with minimal prep! Bonus: And they're productive!

Number ONE. 1. Do Yoga! Stretch towards the earth. Reach over to water. Stretch towards the sky. And bring it central to your inner fire... or something like that. But, Mix some Grand Daddy Purple, some Pure Moods beatz, and do your favorite yoga poses.

Number TWO. 2. Read a Book! If you're too lethargic to do Yoga, then crash on the couch and open a book. Flip through until something catches your interest. Whether it be fantasy, mystery, or non-fiction, it's "better" for you than watching tv, but more lazy than doing almost anything else.

Number THREE. 3. Write a Story. If you're feeling creative, there are lots to do but nothing is quite as accomplishing as writing up a story. I love to place a vintage ashtray with a joint next to me and my laptop while I write. I also keep a legal pad to jot down ideas. Sometimes though, I prefer the classic style of writing directly on legal pad with a pen. On writing stories, you can make it whatever you want in whatever style. This is for your eyes only (unless you wanna share it)... but this is mainly an exercise in exploring your imagination and subconscious.

Number FOUR. 4. Drink Water! Nothing is more productive for your body than drinking water. It's amazing how many people forget this simple task. For something you gotta do, it's delicious and you'll feel awesome for doing it later!

Number FIVE. 5.  Relaaaaax. The best productive thing to do while stoned is to relax. Let go of all that stress and tension everyday life causes in us. Close your eyes, sit back, chill to some music or the silence. Enjoy doing Nothing.

And that's five productive things to do while High, Stoned, or Baked.

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