Tuesday, May 3, 2011

[Strain Review]

Strain: Violator Kush 
["Indica" (Could be an Indica-dominant Hybrid* )]

Dispensary: Captiol Hill Patient Group

Donation: $15/gram.

Smell: A pine-like, light, herb-garden smell. It reminded me of rosemary or lavender.

Looks: Dry, darker green with midtone orange hairs and a fine layer of crystals/trichomes.

Taste: The taste wasn't overpowering and actually quite smooth/light. There was an aftertaste of weed, which wasn't necessarily a bad thing.

Method of Ingestion: Vapor Balloon, followed with a Joint.

Toker's Tolerance: Med-High. Daily Vapor-user.

Buzz Type: A strong body high that relieved any muscle tension I had at the time. I was able to function at about 40% productivity (compared to a sober 80%), but found spelling and writing harder than normal. But, I was able to focus on reading and felt ambitious, it aided with an excellent high for researching/surfing the web.

About an hour and a half later, I was suddenly sober. The comedown either didn't exist or was unnoticable as I ended up being, 'Hey. Where'd my high go?'. All of the pain relief that had come with the high, disappeared. It was fairly disappointing.

So, I rolled up and smoked a quick J. After this, the relief returned and the Kush effect kicked in. Life slowed down. I got tired. After working on some artwork, I ended up laying in bed and playing online games. I could have passed out if wanted, but didn't have to.

Buzz Length: 1.5 - 2 hours top.

Overall: I would classify the buzz as a hybrid with a strong, but very short body high. The sudden nature of the comedown was off-putting. The suggested donation price is too much for this strain. It is not worth 15$/gram, I would be more comfortable donating like 10$/gram as a fair price. The reason why the price is higher is due to the fact that it is a "local favorite".

Suggested For: This is a good strain if you have somewhere to be in 4-5 hours and want to relax your muscles, do research or surf the web before you head out. If you smoke enough of it, it'd be good for a nap.

*  When I was looking for pictures of this strain online, I found there has been discussion on whether this strain is truly an indica or just a hybrid-kush. This question comes with good reason, while there are kush-like qualities after smoking enough, the short timeline and the ability to be productive makes it questionable. There was no couchlock at all. I even went to the market down the street because I wanted some orange soda. Now, if I was smoking a pure, heavy indica, I'd be drinking water and pretending it was orange soda because I'm too relaxed to get dressed and go out in the rain for a soda. I was told by the CHPG it was Indica, but when I went back and asked again they admitted they didn't really know for sure.

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