Friday, February 18, 2011

Hello Hello!

I'm a 21 year old female student. I wake, bake, and toke. Currently, I am learning to take life easy, to live in the moment with happiness and a sense of peace. This blog's purpose is for me to share my experience with a strong emphasis on Having Fun In Life and Marihuana.

Do you have Questions about what exactly to do when stoned? What music is best when laying on the couch in the morning? A dilemma regarding staying healthy while submitting your will to the munchies? A passion for painting, but no paints? Needing to know more about the medical side of things? What are CBDs? Why is vaping better than smoking? Well, I can help.

Right now, this blog is 'In Progress' which means readers actually have a say with what direction this blog will go. Always had something you wish someone else would write about, but none of your favorite blogs actually do??? Let me know and I'll take it into consideration.

Expect articles, reviews on movies, music, games, fashion, and more, video links, strain reviews, Q&As, and Pseudo-Research Hour!

Have a comment? What have you been wanting to see on a blog? Do you partake in the ganja? Why? Introduce yourself here in the comments, I want to know you!