Saturday, May 14, 2011

Using Cannabis Oil at Night to Feel Good in the Morning.

Got muscle pain? Back pain? Nerve pain? Well, here's a handy tip I found out about.

1. Take a nice warm bath with some essential oils (I use rosemary/lavender). Relax.

2. When you get out of the bath, dry off and head towards bed.

3. Make sure you have MMJ oil, spray or lotion.
I used the spray kind but I've had lotion and that works as good.

4. Rub the oil/lotion over your whole body, making sure to rub it in on the spots that are the most painful.

5. Get in bed, rub the oil/lotion on the bottom of your feet.

6. Go to sleep.
Read a book if you can't fall asleep right away.

There is a strong chance you will wake up feeling refreshed and 110%!

That I was able to wake up feeling good was a very pleasant surprise. Usually, I have to vape in the morning because of nausea or headaches, but today I didn't have to do anything!

I hope this helps some of you out!

Blessed Be.

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

[Strain Review]

Strain: Violator Kush 
["Indica" (Could be an Indica-dominant Hybrid* )]

Dispensary: Captiol Hill Patient Group

Donation: $15/gram.

Smell: A pine-like, light, herb-garden smell. It reminded me of rosemary or lavender.

Looks: Dry, darker green with midtone orange hairs and a fine layer of crystals/trichomes.

Taste: The taste wasn't overpowering and actually quite smooth/light. There was an aftertaste of weed, which wasn't necessarily a bad thing.

Method of Ingestion: Vapor Balloon, followed with a Joint.

Toker's Tolerance: Med-High. Daily Vapor-user.

Buzz Type: A strong body high that relieved any muscle tension I had at the time. I was able to function at about 40% productivity (compared to a sober 80%), but found spelling and writing harder than normal. But, I was able to focus on reading and felt ambitious, it aided with an excellent high for researching/surfing the web.

About an hour and a half later, I was suddenly sober. The comedown either didn't exist or was unnoticable as I ended up being, 'Hey. Where'd my high go?'. All of the pain relief that had come with the high, disappeared. It was fairly disappointing.

So, I rolled up and smoked a quick J. After this, the relief returned and the Kush effect kicked in. Life slowed down. I got tired. After working on some artwork, I ended up laying in bed and playing online games. I could have passed out if wanted, but didn't have to.

Buzz Length: 1.5 - 2 hours top.

Overall: I would classify the buzz as a hybrid with a strong, but very short body high. The sudden nature of the comedown was off-putting. The suggested donation price is too much for this strain. It is not worth 15$/gram, I would be more comfortable donating like 10$/gram as a fair price. The reason why the price is higher is due to the fact that it is a "local favorite".

Suggested For: This is a good strain if you have somewhere to be in 4-5 hours and want to relax your muscles, do research or surf the web before you head out. If you smoke enough of it, it'd be good for a nap.

*  When I was looking for pictures of this strain online, I found there has been discussion on whether this strain is truly an indica or just a hybrid-kush. This question comes with good reason, while there are kush-like qualities after smoking enough, the short timeline and the ability to be productive makes it questionable. There was no couchlock at all. I even went to the market down the street because I wanted some orange soda. Now, if I was smoking a pure, heavy indica, I'd be drinking water and pretending it was orange soda because I'm too relaxed to get dressed and go out in the rain for a soda. I was told by the CHPG it was Indica, but when I went back and asked again they admitted they didn't really know for sure.

Sunday, May 1, 2011

Stoned in Class

Over my years as a student and a marijuana partaker, there have been incidents where I have gone to class stoned, baked-over, or high. Now, I always just relax and do whatever I normally would do. I assume it's no big deal.

Apparently, not everyone thinks this way! I found out that some think that you should actually pay attention to the class and do nothing else. This is an extremely unrealistic perspective. For the people like me that know better, this is my...


1. Doodle!
Doodle all over your notes and text!

2. Look around at the other students and guess what they do in their freetime, why they chose to wear what they did, etc.
Never forget, people-watching IS fun!

3. Try to guess who are the other stoners in the class.

4. Doodle the people you're watching!
And always accentuate the biggest part  of their body (lips, butt, boobs, etc.).

5. Pay attention ONLY when needed; Lots of lectures and classes really don't require 100% attention, more like...
- 20%; enough to hear,
- 7 %jot down notes,
- 15% be able to apply it to a 1 page paper
Though in classes of 15-20 students, there is an extra 15% to account for the teacher being able to see the whites of your eyes. But these classes are small because they do require attention.
It is an inverse correlation. The more students in a class, the less attention required in lecture.