Sunday, September 18, 2011

First Fall Day In Seattle [Music]

I listen to a lot of music. So, why not share my love with others?

So here's my First Fall Day In Seattle  music list...

We start with 'You Don't' by Tricky on the beautifully haunting Maxinquaye album.
Why I LOVE it:
+ urban, psychedelic sound
+ expressionistic, poetic lyrics.

Why I press 'Skip' sometimes:
+ repetitive/boring if listened to too much
+ bold, demands attention when played.

LINK: You Don't - Tricky

Next, we have 'Flutter' by Bonobo that I have from The L Word - Enhanced album.

Why I LOVE it:
+ soft, subtlety world-inspired
+ calming, yet uplifting
+ smooth, psychedelic tones.

Why I press 'Skip' sometimes:
+ becomes repetitive fairly fast
+ can cause drowsiness

LINK: Flutter - Bonobo

Now, there is 'Queen of Boredness' by Kinny on the thoughtful album, Idle Forest of Chit-Chat.

Why I LOVE it:
+ smooth blend of vocals and music
+ sassy, thought-provoking but not pressuring lyrics
+ attractive, female vocals
+ underlying beats are consistent and have me tapping my foot through-out.

Why I press 'Skip' sometimes:
+ very heavy vocal/lyrics
+ if I want to listen to instrumental.

LINK: Queen of Boredness - Kinny

After that, my list has about two Sublime (Santeria, Pawn Shop) and four Slightly Stoopid tracks, which I will sum up with...

Runnin' With A Gun is one of my favorite Slightly Stoopid tracks. Every time I listen to this track, usually in the car on the most chillax album, Everything You Need, I literally relax. My muscles let go of tension and my eyes always droop. I've gotten through many night drives on the interstate with this album and I always have to listen to this track, no matter what.

Why I LOVE It:
+ soothing, echoing effects that surround the listener
+ beats I can get lost in
+ comforting vocals
+ super chill sounds

Why I sometimes 'Skip' it:
+ I don't.

LINK: Runnin' With A Gun - Slightly Stoopid

** And with that marvelous piece is Today's First Stoned In Seattle Music List!!!! **confetti**

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